Blog Examines Potential Rise in Clinic Violence under Pro-Choice Administration
Since the inauguration of President Obama, anti-choice extremists have become increasingly harassing and abusive towards clinics. Yesterday, RH Reality Check examined the potential of increased clinic violence in its blog. Included is commentary from many NAF members, including Claire Keyes, former Director of NAF member Allegheny Reproductive Health Center, Elizabeth Barnes, Executive Director of NAF member Philadelphia Women’s Center, and Tammi Kromenaker, Director of NAF member Red River Women’s Clinic.
We know that political losses often provoke anti-abortion extremists to retaliate, so clinics need to increase their security awareness. Law enforcement is key to keeping the peace. In places where police respond quickly, stopping infractions against patients and staff–whether through locally passed ordinances or by invoking the federal FACE Act–anti-abortion violence does not usually escalate. In contrast, in places where the police do not enforce the law, anti-abortion extremists often push the envelope and engage in criminal activity.
>Learn more about violence and disruption against abortion providers.