Why Become a NAF Member?


Unique Support for Abortion Providers

Take advantage of the specialized programs and services NAF offers abortion providers:

Medical Quality Assurance and technical assistance
Onsite security assessments, trainings, and 24/7 emergency response
Exclusive CME-accredited online learning modules and other educational resources
Assistance finding training opportunities
Members-only Job Board
Patient referrals
Financial assistance for patients seeking abortion care


Become Part of the NAF Community


abortion providing facility members


countries where NAF has provider members


attendees at NAF's last Annual Meeting

Membership Types

NAF members include abortion providing facilities, pro-choice individuals, and organizations who support reproductive rights.


Abortion Providing Facilities

Independent Clinics
Planned Parenthood Affiliates
Women’s Health Centers
Physicians’ Offices



Clinicians in Abortion Care (CIAC)

for Advanced Practice Clinicians (CNM, CPM, LM, PA, NP, RN) or an enrolled student or retiree of these professions

Clinician Provider at a Non-Member Institution
Clinician Provider at a Member Institution
Allied Health Professionals

Individuals who work in other health care fields, including social workers

Canadian Medication Abortion Providing Clinician

Individuals in Canada who provide 100 or fewer medication abortions per year

Medical student, Resident, or Fellow
NAF Associate

Individuals who are not clinicians but support the ideals of NAF and our members

Retiree Member


Pro-Choice Organizations

Pro-choice Cooperating Organization

Pro-choice Cooperating Organization members provide grassroots organizing, advocacy or coalition building, community or professional education, legal services, public outreach, clinic defense, research, and/or referrals in accordance with NAF’s mission.

Reproductive Health Care Organization (RHCO)

Reproductive Health Care Organization (RHCO) members provide family planning and/or reproductive health services—but not abortion care—in private clinics, nonprofit clinics, feminist clinics, physicians’ offices, and/or facilities affiliated with hospitals.

International Organization

International Organization members provide abortion care, reproductive health care, family planning, grassroots organizing, advocacy or coalition building, community or professional education, legal services, public outreach, clinic defense, research, and/or referrals in accordance with NAF’s mission. Organizations based wholly or in part in North, Central, or South America are not eligible for this category of membership; for information on other membership categories please contact the Membership Department at membership@prochoice.org.

Membership Benefits


Benefits for Abortion Provider Facility Members

Medical Quality Assurance
Onsite medical and administrative technical assistance
24/7 security support, trainings, and onsite assessments
Access to NAF's CME-accredited online learning modules and resources
Discounted registration to NAF meetings and on NAF publications
Eligibility to purchase medical supplies and pharmaceuticals at reduced costs through NAF’s Group Purchasing Program
Referrals from the NAF Hotline 1-800-772-9100
Ability to post open positions on NAF's Job Board
Assistance finding clinicians and other staff through Creating a Clinician Corps
General membership updates
Networking opportunities within the NAF Community
The right to vote as NAF members
Eligibility to serve on NAF’s Board of Directors


Benefits for Individual Members

Access to NAF's CME-accredited online learning modules and resources
Discounted registration to NAF meetings and on NAF publications
Access to NAF's Job Board
Assistance finding facilities with open positions through Creating a Clinician Corps
General membership updates
Networking opportunities within the NAF Community
Eligibility to serve on NAF’s Board of Directors


Benefits for Organization Members

Access to NAF's CME-accredited online learning modules and resources for all your staff
Discounted registration to NAF meetings and on NAF publications
Access to NAF's Job Board
General membership updates
Networking opportunities within the NAF Community
Eligibility to serve on NAF’s Board of Directors

Ready to join?

Be a part of NAF's community


Why are you a NAF Member?

"Sometimes I feel really alone in Ohio. NAF makes me feel like I am not "the only one.'"

Whether you are a provider, a reproductive health advocacy group, or a pro-choice individual, NAF welcomes you in our membership.