Standing up for Raped Servicewomen

This week, we asked you to urge your senators to support the Shaheen amendment. This amendment would have lifted the ban on military insurance coverage for abortion care in cases where servicewomen become pregnant as the result of rape or incest. Thank you for taking action!

Unfortunately, anti-choice legislators blocked the Shaheen amendment from coming to the floor for a vote. Senator Shaheen, Majority Leader Reid, and other senators fought very hard for us.

As disappointed as we are right now, you should know that together we made a huge impact in the Senate and we got a great response from Senate staff. We heard about Senate offices where callers could not get through because of how many calls they were getting about this issue. Thank you so much for standing up for raped servicewomen!

The fight doesn’t end here. We are already making plans for our next steps—carrying this momentum forward—and are working to ensure that the Shaheen amendment is in the FY13 National Defense Authorization Act. We will need your help again next year to make this a reality.

Women in the military stand up for us and we won’t stop standing up for them.

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