Over one-third of women of reproductive age have an abortion by the age of 45. However, women who have chosen abortion are often absent from the public debate. In order to break the silence surrounding abortion, we will be featuring real stories from real women each Wednesday on our blog. If you would like to share your story with us or have it published on our blog, go to http://www.prochoice.org/pregnant/hotline/share.html.
I chose this decision because I always wanted to bring kids into a better world, one where I would be married to the man I was having kids with, not separated. I wanted to be caught up on my bills and prepared for having kids. It was a hard decision to make, but in my life right now it is the best decision for me.
–Submitted by Avery* through a member clinic
Growing up I went to a private Presbyterian high school with devotions and Bible class every day along with chapel every Sunday. One of the most exciting events for the school was when we all caravanned to the capitol to march in a pro-life parade once a year. I always did it, but deep down I knew I felt differently.
I was about to graduate college when I became pregnant. I saw a little plus sign on the stick, picked up my phone, and made an appointment. When the day came I was nervous but ready. In the waiting room I met a mother of two. She didn’t have access to care where she lived in Nashville and had to drive a long way to obtain an abortion. Another girl chimed in that she was from Macon, Georgia. Their stories came as a shock to me because these women had to travel so far and pay so much to get care that I was able to access so easily due to my insurance and location.
The clinic was extraordinary, they offered counseling and the entire office was comfortable. I felt a light bulb go off waiting for the doctor. Two years previously I had gone through a rape trial that had dragged out for years, and my rapist was only sentenced to one year. There my rights were almost nothing, whereas here at the clinic, I felt empowered—everything mattered and my choice was supported.
I was put under anesthesia for 30 minutes and then it was over. The only discomfort I felt was minor cramping, and the relief was extraordinary. I left feeling happier than I had felt in years for many reasons. The biggest reason was that this was the first major decision I had made myself. I now knew that I was in control of my life and decisions.
–Submitted by Mariah* through a member clinic
Names have been changed to protect patient privacy