Abortion care in the news 2/3/17

It can be difficult to keep track of all the news these days, so here are some stories we wanted to make sure you didn’t miss this week:

Arkansas: Arkansas’s governor signed a bill into law last week banning a safe, common abortion method. This law also gives  a woman’s husband or family the right to sue an abortion provider for civil damages.

New York: Governor Cuomo fought back against the President’s threat to undermine Roe v. Wade by announcing he will push for an amendment to the state’s constitution that would protect abortion access for women in New York.

Rhode Island: Lawmakers responded to Trump’s Supreme Court nominee by re-introducing the “Reproductive Health Care Act,” which would prevent any government-related interference in a woman’s right to choose abortion care.

National: The EACH Woman Act was re-introduced this week with the support of more than 100 members of Congress. This bill is a bold step in proactively opposing the Hyde Amendment and related abortion coverage bans, which can be the biggest barriers to abortion access for women.

Bonus: Don’t miss this great column from Reverend Broderick L. Greer on being a pro-choice Episcopal Priest: “It is the act of looking people in the eye and saying, ‘I trust you. I love you,’ not, ‘My personal religious convictions on this matter should prevent you from seeking out the affordable, safe health care that you need.’”



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