2022 was the most devastating year for abortion access in the United States in more than 50 years. The Supreme Court dismissed decades-long precedent by overturning Roe v. Wade and removing the constitutional right to abortion access. Now, one in three women do not have abortion access in their home state. In the wake of this heinous decision, the National Abortion Federation (NAF) continued our work to support abortion providers and their patients in accessing high-quality abortion care.

Roe may have fallen, but we are still standing.

With your support, NAF was able to continue providing essential services to abortion providers like 24/7 security support and response, quality assurance services, continuing education in abortion care, and other training and technical assistance that they need. NAF brings together all types of abortion providers, including independent clinics, Planned Parenthood health centers, doctors’ offices, hospitals, and telehealth providers as a strong community where they can learn from and get support from each other—which is so needed now more than ever. We have a long fight ahead and we need you with us in 2023.

The mission of the National Abortion Federation is to unite, represent, serve, and support abortion providers in delivering patient-centered, evidence-based care. When you give to NAF, your gift directly helps our members keep their clinic doors open and providing care to their patients.

Here are some of the highlights of our work in 2022:

NAF 2022 Highlights

NAF's Medical Team


conducted quality assurance site visits and


new applicant site visits.
We also provided


live training sessions onsite in clinics.

NAF's Security Team

assisted members with security concerns and conducted


security tranings and assessments and


law enforcement briefings.

NAF Meetings and Education

We expanded our online learning resources:


new online learning modules




new online learning users


hours of CME/CE awarded.

Expanding Access to Telehealth

We launched our new telehealth platform, tansy, with


member practices.


members accessed technical assistance to integrate telehealth services.

Clinical Abortion Staffing Solutions (CASS)


increase in abortion providers matched with employment from 2021 to 2022.


increase in jobseekers registered with the CASS program.

Condensed Financials

2022 Revenue
2022 Expenses

Net assets at beginning of year       $14,223,214
Change in net assets                         $78,523
Net assets at end of year                  $14,301,737

This condensed financial information is not a complete presentation and does not contain all the data and informative disclosures required by generally accepted accounting principles. Copies of the complete audit reports, which were audited by NAF’s independent auditors, containing the required data and informative disclosures are available here.

Board of Directors

As of December 31, 2022

Lorie Chaiten, JD 
Board Chair

Kersha Deibel, MPH, MSW 
Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio  

Justin T. Diedrich, MD, MSCI, FACOG
Eden Surgical Center

Melissa Grant

Tiffany Hailstorks, MD, MPH
Emory University

Dalton Johnson, MBA
Alabama Women’s Center for Reproductive Alternatives

John C. Markley, MD, PhD
University of San Francisco

Julia McDonald, DO, MPH
Maine Dartmouth Family Medicine Residency, Maine General

Tram Nguyen, MHA/MBA
Planned Parenthood Center for Choice, Inc.

Brenda Pereda, MD, MS
Los Alamos Women’s Health

Lisa Perriera, MD, MPH
Philadelphia Women’s Center

Sarah Ward Prager, MD, MAS
University of Washington Medical Center Hospital

Rolanda Ryan, RN, MHSA
Athena Health Centre

Kawanna Shannon
Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region & Southwest Missouri

TaRhonda Slydell, BSN, MBA-HCA
Presidential Women’s Center

Maria Mercedes Vivas, MD, MPH
Fundacion Orientame

Lin-Fan Wang, MD
Family Planning Physician

Lori Williams, MSN, WHNPc, APRN
Little Rock Family Planning Services

Guttmacher Institute Liaison
Rachel K. Jones, PhD

Gynuity Health Projects Liaison
Beverly Winikoff, MD, MPH