Arizona Repeals Near-Total Abortion Ban


Statement from Brittany Fonteno, President  & CEO of the National Abortion Federation

I am thrilled that Arizona’s governor signed the bill to repeal the state’s Civil War-era, near-total abortion ban, and incredibly grateful to all the abortion advocates whose righteous rage pressured lawmakers into repealing this horrific ban. As a former abortion provider and patient in Arizona myself, I am hopeful that this will allow more people across the state and across the region to get the essential abortion care they need and deserve. Yet, while yesterday’s news brings some relief, we must not forget that the state’s 15-week ban will remain the law of the land, meaning that abortion care will continue to remain unjustly out of reach for so many who need it. 

Once again, the people of Arizona have shown us that they support access to abortion and resoundingly reject anti-abortion extremism, just like the majority of Americans. Arizona has a critical ballot initiative coming up in November, and our movement has won big before leading these efforts in states like Michigan and Ohio. Today, we celebrate this important victory in Arizona, and tomorrow, we get right back to work in our collective fight for true access to abortion care for all.


The National Abortion Federation (NAF) is the nation’s largest and leading professional association of abortion providers. NAF represents hundreds of providers and clinics across the country that are on the frontlines of abortion access. NAF provides members with trainings, security support, and guidelines that serve as the gold standard of abortion care. NAF also operates the National Abortion Hotline, the nation’s largest national, toll-free, multi-lingual hotline for abortion resources and travel and financial assistance in the U.S. Learn more at 

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