NAF Mourns Death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Statement of The Very Reverend Katherine Ragsdale, President and CEO of the National Abortion Federation (NAF), on the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg:  NAF and our members mourn the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a true champion for gender equality and an unmatched guardian of each individual’s right to…

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NAF Releases 2019 Violence & Disruption Statistics

For Immediate Release; July 30, 2020Media Contacts:; 202-918-7768 National Abortion Federation Releases 2019 Violence & Disruption Statistics:Escalation of invasions, picketing, trespassing, obstruction, and online hate speech by anti-abortion individuals Today, the National Abortion Federation (NAF) released its 2019 statistics on violence and disruption against abortion providers. The statistics show a disturbing escalation of intimidation…

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Remembering John Lewis

Statement of The Very Reverend Katherine Ragsdale, President and CEO of the National Abortion Federation (NAF), on the passing of Representative John Lewis: Representative John Lewis was a hero: a man of courage, conviction, and wisdom; an unrelenting champion of civil rights, racial justice, women’s rights, and abortion rights; an exemplar who never gave up…

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U.S. Supreme Court Strikes Down Anti-Abortion Law

Statement of The Very Reverend Katherine Ragsdale, President and CEO of the National Abortion Federation (NAF) on today’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling in June Medical Services v. Russo: We are relieved and encouraged that our member clinics in Louisiana will be able to continue providing the safe, compassionate abortion care that their patients need. People…

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NAF Stands in Solidarity with People and Communities of Color

As a staff and the professional association of abortion providers, the National Abortion Federation stands in solidarity with The Movement for Black Lives; our allies in the Reproductive Justice movement; the people of color on our staff, in our membership, and among the patients we collectively serve; as well as the families of George Floyd,…

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National Abortion Federation Files Amicus Brief in Legal Battle Over Alabama’s COVID-19 Executive Order’s Impact on Abortion

Yesterday, the National Abortion Federation joined 20 other women’s and civil rights organizations in filing an amicus brief explaining the undue burden that Alabama’s COVID-19 Executive Order poses to abortion providers and already marginalized communities. Anti-abortion politicians in Alabama are exploiting the current global pandemic to try and deny women access to the abortion care…

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The National Abortion Federation Condemns Anti-Abortion Protests that Increase Risk of COVID-19 Exposure

At a time when many in the U.S. are complying with public health guidance and practicing social distancing to help limit the spread of COVID-19 and keep their families and communities safe, anti-abortion protesters are still going to clinics to harass abortion providers and patients seeking care, ignoring social distancing guidelines, and invading people’s personal…

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NAF Calls for End of Anti-Abortion Protesters Increasing Odds of COVID-19 Exposure

In a letter, the National Abortion Federation (NAF) has asked Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer to take action, preventing anti-abortion groups from using the guise of “worship services” to continue harassing patients and clinic staff despite the Governor’s “Stay Home, Stay Safe” Order. The Very Reverend Katherine Hancock Ragsdale, President and CEO of NAF: As an…

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Reproductive Health Care Providers: Abortion Is Essential 

As state governments in Texas, Alabama, Oklahoma, and other states attempt to eliminate abortion access by labeling abortion as “non-essential” health care amid the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations representing reproductive health care providers, including the Abortion Care Network, the National Abortion Federation, Nurses for Sexual and Reproductive Health, Physicians for Reproductive Health, and Planned Parenthood released…

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