Illinois Parental Notification Law Halted

Yesterday, an Illinois court halted the state’s parental notification law, shortly after the Illinois Medical Disciplinary Board decided the state could begin enforcing the law. The temporary restraining order was based on a lawsuit filed in October by a Chicago physician and a women’s medical center in Granite City who believe the law is unconstitutional…

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Wednesday’s Words from Women

Over one-third of women of reproductive age have an abortion by the age of 45. However, women who have chosen abortion are often absent from the public debate. In order to break the silence surrounding abortion, we will be featuring real stories from real women each Wednesday on our blog. If you would like to…

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Newsweek Examines Anti-Choice Legislative Strategy

Yesterday, featured an article about the efforts of abortion opponents to put “personhood” initiatives on ballots across the country. Led by the new anti-choice organization Personhood USA, these initiatives aim to revise state constitutions to define a fertilized egg as a person. Seven state-level groups are currently gathering signatures for 2010 ballots. A similar…

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Appeals Court Strikes Down Pittsburgh Buffer Zone Ordinance

Friday, a federal appeals court struck down a Pittsburgh ordinance that created two types of buffer zones around abortion clinics. The ordinance banned protesters from coming within 15 feet of entrances, and also prohibited them from coming within eight feet of people entering and exiting clinics within a 100-foot buffer zone around clinic entrances. The…

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Illinois Parental Notification Law Goes into Effect

Following years of legal challenges, a state parental notification law, which requires physicians to notify a parent or guardian before a minor obtains abortion care, will take effect tomorrow in Illinois. In July, a federal appeals court in Chicago lifted a federal injunction on a 1995 version of the law, clearing it for enforcement. In…

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Wednesday’s Words from Women

Over one-third of women of reproductive age have an abortion by the age of 45. However, women who have chosen abortion are often absent from the public debate. In order to break the silence surrounding abortion, we will be featuring real stories from real women each Wednesday on our blog. If you would like to…

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Wednesday’s Words from Women

Over one-third of women of reproductive age have an abortion by the age of 45. However, women who have chosen abortion are often absent from the public debate. In order to break the silence surrounding abortion, we will be featuring real stories from real women each Wednesday on our blog. If you would like to…

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Wednesday’s Words from Women

Over one-third of women of reproductive age have an abortion by the age of 45. However, women who have chosen abortion are often absent from the public debate. In order to break the silence surrounding abortion, we will be featuring real stories from real women each Wednesday on our blog. If you would like to…

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Wednesday’s Words from Women

Over one-third of women of reproductive age have an abortion by the age of 45. However, women who have chosen abortion are often absent from the public debate. In order to break the silence surrounding abortion, we will be featuring real stories from real women each Wednesday on our blog. If you would like to…

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Wednesday’s Words from Women

Over one-third of women of reproductive age have an abortion by the age of 45. However, women who have chosen abortion are often absent from the public debate. In order to break the silence surrounding abortion, we will be featuring real stories from real women each Wednesday on our blog. If you would like to…

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