Victory in Aurora!

After weeks of politicization, Planned Parenthood is finally able to open their new clinic in Aurora, IL. Yesterday, the Kane County state’s attorney said there was no wrongdoing after reviewing the clinic’s development and permit process. The investigation was prompted by the complaints of anti-choice protesters and some members of the City Council. This was…

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Catholic Bishops in Connecticut Reverse Position on Plan B

Roman Catholic bishops in Connecticut have reversed their position on Plan B by agreeing to let hospital personnel at the state’s four Catholic hospitals administer emergency contraception to rape victims. Today a new state law goes into effect, which requires medical personnel at state hospitals to provide survivors of rape with emergency contraception. The new…

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Arizona Supreme Court Upholds Ruling on Abortion Access for Inmates

Tuesday the Arizona Supreme Court upheld an appellate court decision that said a Maricopa County policy requiring deputies to transport inmates to medical facilities for abortions only when they are medically necessary posed an unconstitutional burden. The policy only permitted prison officials to transport women seeking abortion care if they had obtained a court order,…

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Temporary Injunction Issued in Missouri

A federal judge issued a temporary injunction Monday to stop the enforcement of a Missouri law, which would impose new regulations on abortion providers. The new law would require any facility that performs more than five first-trimester abortions a month, or any second- or third-trimester abortions, to meet the licensure requirements for an “ambulatory surgical…

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Women Face Long Wait Times for Abortion Care in Ottawa

Yesterday the Ottawa Citizen ran an article about the long wait times many women face when seeking abortion care in Ottawa. The average wait for abortion in Canada is an estimated two weeks…and inToronto, a woman can usually have the procedure within about eight days. Theaverage wait time in Ottawa is generally at least four…

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Appeals Court Hears Case About Abortion Rights for Inmates

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit heard arguments today in a class-action lawsuit concerning the right to obtain abortion care for incarcerated women in Missouri . In the past, the Missouri Department of Corrections would pay to transport inmates to a facility to obtain an abortion if an inmate requested the option,…

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National Abortion Federation Expresses Disappointment in Judge’s Decision to Delay Opening of Clinic in Aurora

We issued this press release today: The National Abortion Federation (NAF) expressed disappointment in today’s decision by U.S. District Court Judge Charles Norgle dismissing Planned Parenthood’s request for a preliminary injunction that would have allowed the opening of a new clinic in Aurora, IL. Last week, city officials notified Planned Parenthood that their clinic would…

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Court Dismisses Kansas “Kiss and Tell” Case

This week, the Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit dismissed the government’s appeals in the case concerning the Kansas “kiss and tell” policy. The policy would have required health care providers and counselors to report all sexual activity by teenagers under 16, including kissing between two teens, to state authorities as evidence of child…

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New Hampshire Law Makers Seek to Reinstate Parental Notification Law

In New Hampshire, two legislators are drafting bills that would restore the state’s parental notification law. This summer New Hampshire was the first state to repeal its parental notification law. The legislators said their bills would enact a slightly different version of the law that was repealed. The repealed law never took effect because of…

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Federal Judge Delays Clinic Opening in Aurora, IL

Yesterday a federal judge delayed the opening of Planned Parenthood’s new clinic in Aurora, IL pending a hearing on Thursday. The clinic was planning to open today—and had scheduled 13 patients for services—but city officials have refused to issue the permanent occupancy permit to the clinic. In court yesterday, Planned Parenthood’s attorney said the city…

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