New Report on Medical Abortion

Today, the New England Journal of Medicine published research on the safety of medical abortion in terms of future pregnancies. The research concluded that there is no evidence that a previous medical abortion increases the risk of miscarriage, tubal pregnancy, preterm birth, or low birth weight. >View NAF’s fact sheet on medical abortion

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Graphic, Misleading Anti-Abortion Campaign Launched in Canada

The Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform (CCBR) has launched a national anti-abortion campaign, which uses a truck plastered with graphic and misleading images in the hope of advancing their beliefs. These tactics frequently backfire and even those who oppose abortion often object to these images. According to an article in this weekend’s National Post, earlier…

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Expanded Buffer Zones Needed in Massachusetts

Dianne Williamson’s column in Sunday’s Worcester Telegram & Gazette demonstrates the need for an expanded buffer zone around reproductive health care facilities in Massachusetts. Under the current law, there is an 18-foot buffer zone around reproductive heath care facilities, but protesters may be within the buffer zone as long as they remain at least six…

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Poll: More Americans Believe Abortion Should Remain Available

According to a recent poll conducted by The New York Times/CBS News, more adults in the United States believe abortion should remain accessible. Forty-one percent of the respondents said abortion should be generally available to those who want it, up two points since May. Thirty-four percent of respondents said abortion should be available but under…

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Convicted Murderer James Kopp Sent to Prison

Anti-abortion extremist James Kopp is serving his life sentence for the 1998 murder of Dr. Barnett Slepian in a Pennsylvania high-security prison 170 miles west of Philadelphia. Kopp was already serving a 25 year-to-life state sentence for the murder when a federal jury found him guilty of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances…

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NAF Staff in the Field: Protecting our Members in Alabama

Update 2 Tuesday morning about 20 OSA demonstrators gathered at Planned Parenthood and about 25 more at the New Woman All Women’s clinic, while a group of about 120 traveled to Tuscaloosa to protest at the clinic there. I spent my day monitoring the situation and assisting clinic staff in Tuscaloosa. The group there included…

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NAF Staff in the Field: Protecting our Members in Alabama

This week in Birmingham, Alabama, anti-abortion group Operation Save America (OSA) will be protesting at Planned Parenthood and the New Woman All Women clinic. New Woman All Women was the clinic that was bombed by convicted murderer Eric Robert Rudolph in 1998. An off duty police officer, employed as a security guard, was killed and…

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Report Examines Unmet Need for Contraception in Developing Countries

More than 100 million married women living in developing countries have an unmet need for contraception according to a new report released this week by the Guttmacher Institute. The study defines a woman with an unmet need if she “is married, in a consensual union, or never-married and sexually active; is able to become pregnant;…

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Stop the Deceptive Advertising Practices of Crisis Pregnancy Centers

Women seeking reproductive health care should be able to make informed decisions and access medically accurate information about their options. For that reason, Representative Carolyn Maloney has introduced the “Stop Deceptive Advertising for Women’s Services Act,” which authorizes the Federal Trade Commission to regulate the deceptive advertising practices of CPCs to ensure that they could…

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