New Brunswick Court Hears Arguments in Morgentaler Case

A New Brunswick judge heard arguments Wednesday to determine if NAF Member Dr. Henry Morgentaler has standing to bring his latest court challenge against the government. Dr. Morgentaler is suing the New Brunswick government for its refusal to fund abortions at his clinic. According to Canadian law, an individual must have standing in order to…

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Attempted Bombing Suspect Indicted

Yesterday a federal grand jury indicted a Texas man accused of leaving a homemade bomb in the parking lot of the Austin Women’s Health Center (AWHC) on April 25. The bomb was discovered by a clinic staff member and then safely detonated by law enforcement. Authorities said the bomb could have caused serious injury or…

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Columbia Celebrates One Year of Liberalized Abortion Ban

Today marks the one year anniversary of the landmark Constitutional Court decision that liberalized Columbia’s abortion law. The majority of the Court (5-3) ruled that abortion should not be considered a crime when a pregnancy threatens the life or health of the woman; in cases of rape or incest; or when fetal malformations make life…

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National Abortion Federation Commends Law Enforcement for the Swift and Successful Investigation of the Attempted Abortion Clinic Bombing in Austin

We commend law enforcement on an excellent job in investigating the attempted bombing of the Austin Women’s Health Center in Austin, TX and apprehending the individual responsible. We are grateful that the suspect is in federal custody and is unable to further endanger the lives of abortion providers or others in the area. This arrest…

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National Abortion Federation Calls on Members of Congress to Sponsor and Support the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA)

Here is the press release we issued today: Washington, DC – Vicki Saporta, President and CEO of the National Abortion Federation, released the following statement today urging members of Congress to sponsor and support the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA): The United States Supreme Court ruling upholding the federal abortion ban was a major setback…

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