Idaho Governor Signs Parental Consent Law

This week Idaho Governor Butch Otter signed a bill into law requiring parental consent before minors in the state can obtain abortion care. The law is effective immediately and does allow a minor the option to seek judicial bypass in cases of rape, incest, a medical emergency, or if a minor is mature enough to…

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South Carolina House Passes Measure to Mandate Ultrasounds

The South Carolina House passed a measure last week that would require women seeking abortion care to view an ultrasound image of the fetus prior to the procedure. While other states give women the option to have an ultrasound and view the image, South Carolina would be the first state to mandate the practice. The…

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The National Abortion Federation Condemns Mississippi Abortion Ban

Here is the press release we issued Friday: Washington, DC—Vicki Saporta, President and CEO of the National Abortion Federation, released the following statement today condemning Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour’s decision to sign an abortion ban into law. The bill would ban almost all abortions in the state if the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Roe…

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Polish Woman Awarded Damages After Abortion Refusal

The European Court of Human Rights has awarded a Polish woman more than $30,000 in damages after she was refused an abortion despite warnings from her doctor that continuing the pregnancy could cause her to go blind. Alicja Tysiac suffers from severe myopia, and when she became pregnant for the third time in 2000 she…

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Georgia House Passes Ultrasound Bill

Monday the Georgia House of Representatives approved a bill, which would require doctors to offer women seeking abortion care the option to view an ultrasound image of the fetus prior to the procedure. The measure would also require women to certify in writing that they were given the opportunity to view the ultrasound image, and…

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Mexico City May Legalize First-Trimester Abortions

Mexico City legislators are debating a bill that would legalize abortion during the first trimester of pregnancy. Abortion is currently permitted only in cases of rape or life endangerment in this predominantly Roman Catholic city. Bill supporters say these restrictions force women to seek abortions outside the law. Mexican women often travel to the U.S.…

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Attend the Women’s Equality Summit!

Convened by the National Council of Women’s Organizations (NCWO) and the Younger Women’s Task Force, the Women’s Equality Summit is a two-day conference that will bring together 500 women leaders, activists and students to kick-off a legislative agenda for the 110th Congress.Hundreds of women leaders and our allies will gather in the nation’s capital for…

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Crisis Pregnancy Centers in the News

Sunday’s Palm Beach Post featured a front-page article about Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPCs). The article discussed the misleading and inaccurate information CPCs tell women including that there is a link between abortion and increased risk for developing breast cancer. More than 100 of the world’s leading experts on pregnancy and breast cancer have concluded that…

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Portugal Parliament Votes to Legalize Abortion

Last night Portugal’s parliament voted to legalize abortion up until the 10th week of pregnancy, just weeks after a popular referendum showed that 59.3 percent of voters were in favor of legalizing abortion. The referendum failed due to low voter turnout, but Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Socrates pledged to honor the wishes of the voters…

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