Clinic Victorious in Protecting the Privacy of Minor Patients

Indiana Attorney General Steve Carter and Planned Parenthood of Indiana signed a settlement agreement Thursday, ending almost two years of legal battles over the medical records of minor patients. Carter has agreed to return patient records his office obtained from Planned Parenthood and refrain from further record requests following a ruling from the Indiana Court…

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Anti-Abortion Protestor Barred from Clinic Property

This morning the Iowa Court of Appeals ruled that anti-abortion extremist Dan Holman cannot come onto the property of the Emma Goldman Clinic. Instead he must stay across the street. Emma Goldman staff first sought an injunction against Holman in September 2003. A district court ruling last year barred Holman from entering an alley behind…

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Alabama Man Pleads Guilty in Clinic Attack

Dalton Ray Skinner pleaded guilty Tuesday to a January attack on the West Alabama Women’s Center where he drove his car into the front entrance while the clinic was closed. Skinner was indicted in April on one charge of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, which makes it a federal crime to…

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Study Examines Global Impact of Unsafe Abortions

A study published this week by The Lancet identifies ending the pandemic of unsafe abortion as an urgent public-health and global human-rights issue throughout the developing world. According to the report, 68,000 women – mostly in developing countries – die each year during unsafe abortions, and millions more are hospitalized from complications. Even in countries…

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National Abortion Federation Denounces Appointment of Dr. Keroack to Oversee Federal Family Planning Funds

Saporta: “Dr. Keroack should not be entrusted with the oversight of the Title X program and the health of millions of Americans.” The National Abortion Federation (NAF) today denounced the appointment of Dr. Eric Keroack as the new Deputy Assistant Secretary for Population Affairs (DASPA). DASPA oversees Title X, the nation’s family planning program, which…

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Act Now to Protect Title X, America’s Family Planning Program

For more than 35 years, the Title X program has been a hallmark of quality preventative care, enabling practitioners to provide family planning services to over 5 million low-income individuals annually. However, this program and its mission are now at serious risk. The Bush Administration has just appointed an anti-choice ob-gyn, Dr. Eric Keroack, to…

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Bush Names Anti-choice Advocate to Oversee Family Planning

This week, the Bush Administration appointed Eric Keroack, M.D., as the new Deputy Assistant Secretary for Population Affairs (DASPA) within the Department of Health and Human Services. In this post Keroack will oversee the Office of Family Planning and the Title X program, which is the only Federal program designed to fund family planning and…

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Appeals Court Overturns Ohio Abortion Regulation

Today, a three-judge panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned an Ohio abortion regulation that limited minors to one request per pregnancy when seeking a judicial bypass of the state’s parental notification law. The court also upheld a ruling that requires women to have an in-person counseling session with a physician for…

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U.S. Supreme Court Hears Argument in Federal Abortion Ban Challenges

ACLU and National Abortion Federation Call on Court to Hold Women’s Health Paramount The U.S. Supreme Court heard argument today in two legal challenges to a federal ban on abortion. The American Civil Liberties Union and the National Abortion Federation (NAF) submitted friend-of-the-court briefs in each of the cases. Both organizations have called on the…

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