Urge Senators to Vote Against the Teen Endangerment Act!

On July 20, 2006, the Senate will take up consideration of the Child Custody Protection Act (CCPA). This unconstitutional legislation makes it a federal crime for any person, other than a parent, to accompany a teen to an out-of-state doctor if the teen’s home state parental involvement laws have not been met. The Child Custody…

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NAF Commends the Senate for Their Support for Embryonic Stem Cell Research

NAF applauds the Senate’s 63-37 passing of the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act on Tuesday, July 18. This legislation would expand federal funding for embryonic stem cell research and permit scientists to extract stem cells from embryos that were created for the purposes of fertility treatments. NAF supports embryonic stem cell research, which has the…

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NAF Commends Study Exposing CPCs

The National Abortion Federation commended a new study released by Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) on federally funded Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPCs). The study found that 87 percent of the CPCs reviewed provided false or misleading information about abortion. >View NAF’s press release

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Anti-Abortion Group is Urged to Leave Canadian Province

New Brunswick residents grew angered by Show The Truth’s anti-abortion demonstration which displayed large photos of aborted fetuses. Hundreds of calls were made to the city mayor and police department requesting the photos be removed. However, local officials can’t take legal action against the Ontario-based anti-choice group. >Read the CBC News article

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Urge Your Senators to Support Stem Cell Research!

The United States Senate will soon consider the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act (H.R. 810), which the House of Representatives passed with strong bipartisan support on May 24, 2005. NAF has endorsed this important legislation, which expands federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. The Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act promotes potentially life-saving medical research…

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South Dakota’s Abortion Ban Could Head to the Courts

South Dakota Attorney General said if voters approve an abortion ban it may be challenged in court and could be found to violate the U.S. Constitution. Passed by the state legislature and signed into law earlier this year, the law prohibits all safe abortion procedures at all stages of pregnancy and contains only a limited…

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