Mississippi Abortion Ban Fails

The Mississippi abortion ban died in session last night. Read the story in the Houston Chronicle. The Associated Press reports that an anti-abortion group is challenging a Pittsburgh ordinance that protects clinics from harassing protestors.

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Mobilizing The States

The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports on how the South Dakota abortion ban is mobilizing new activists in the states. Read the article. The New York Times had an editorial on Saturday commending Senators Patty Murray and Hillary Clinton for blocking the nomination of a new FDA chief until the agency issues a decision on emergency contraception.…

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Pro-Choice Activists Fight Back

Pro-choice activists in South Dakota kicked off a campaign today to overturn the state’s abortion ban. Read the Reuters story. NPR has a story about how bills expanding access to emergency contraception are faring in state legislatures. Listen to the report. Anti-choice Alabama legislators have introduced two bills that would ban almost all abortions in…

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Idaho, Africa, and Mississippi

The Idaho legislature is considering a bill that would require teens to have parental consent before obtaining an abortion. Read the local story. Today is day three of a four day conference in Ethiopia about unsafe abortion in Africa. Read the news on allafrica.com. The Mississippi legislature is considering an abortion ban bill. Read about…

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Anti-Choice Search Engine?

The FDA has issued a public health advisory about mifepristone. Read the advisory here. Is amazon.com’s search engine anti-choice? Pro-choice activists complained after readers who searched the word abortion were asked, “Did you mean adoption?” Read the New York Times story. Salon.com has an in-depth story about how anti-choice advocates want to ban contraception.

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A New Head of the FDA? But What About Plan B?

President Bush has nominated Dr. Andrew C. von Eschenbach to head the Food and Drug Administration, but pro-choice senators have vowed not to confirm him until the FDA issues its long awaited decision on whether to allow over-the-counter sales of Plan B, an emergency contraceptive. Read the New York Times story. The Indianapolis Star has…

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Victory in Indiana

An Indiana bill that would have defined life at conception failed in the legislature yesterday. The bill also would have required providers to give women biased counseling before they could have an abortion. Mississippi is following South Dakota’s lead. The state legislature is poised to pass an abortion ban. Retired Supreme Court Justice gave a…

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Possible Consequences of the South Dakota Abortion Ban

NAF was part of a story in the Toronto Star about the South Dakota abortion ban. The New York Times has an editorial commenting on the unconstitutionality of the South Dakota abortion ban. Eyal Press has an op-ed in the New York Times that talks about low-income women’s lack of access to abortion services. Press’…

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