McConnell files cloture for harmful anti-abortion S. 109

Today, Senator Mitch McConnell filed cloture for S. 109, an extreme and harmful anti-abortion bill, giving it a procedural vote without even a committee hearing. S. 109 would prevent millions of women in America from obtaining private insurance coverage for abortion care. It would also permanently restrict federal dollars from covering abortion care for women…

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NAF opposes Trump’s Attorney General Nominee, William Barr

“America needs an Attorney General who will lead with impartiality, respect the rule of law that protects access to abortion care, and hold anti-abortion extremists accountable for their actions,” said The Very Reverend Katherine Hancock Ragsdale, Interim President & CEO of the National Abortion Federation (NAF).  “William Barr is not that nominee.” Barr made his…

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NAF opposes Trump Administration’s latest anti-abortion rule

Today, the National Abortion Federation (NAF), the professional association of abortion providers, joined others in submitting comments opposing the Trump Administration’s latest anti-abortion effort: the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; Exchange Program Integrity” proposed rule from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). “Once again, anti-abortion politicians are attempting to single out…

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We are not sad to see Sessions go.

Statement of The Very Reverend Katherine H. Ragsdale, Interim President & CEO of the National Abortion Federation (NAF) on Jeff Sessions resigning: We are not sad to see Jeff Sessions go. We opposed Jeff Sessions’ nomination and confirmation as Attorney General from the very beginning due to our serious concerns that Sessions would never adequately…

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Oregon votes to protect abortion access

Statement of The Very Reverend Katherine H. Ragsdale, Interim President & CEO of the National Abortion Federation (NAF) on Oregon’s anti-abortion Measure 106 failing: By defeating Measure 106, Oregon rejected the latest attempt by anti-abortion extremists to deny women access to all their reproductive health care options. Fortunately, Oregonians saw through this thinly-veiled attempt to…

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Alabama passes extreme anti-abortion ballot initiative

Statement of The Very Reverend Katherine H. Ragsdale, Interim President & CEO of the National Abortion Federation (NAF) on the passing of anti-abortion Amendment 2: Today, Alabama passed Amendment 2, granting full legal rights to fertilized eggs while laying the groundwork to strip women of their legal right to make their own reproductive decisions. In…

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WV passes initiative to deny abortion access

Statement of The Very Reverend Katherine H. Ragsdale, Interim President & CEO of the National Abortion Federation (NAF) on the passing of West Virginia’s anti-abortion Amendment 1: Today, West Virginians passed Amendment 1, setting the stage for the government to strip away their reproductive rights and those of their neighbors. Not only does Amendment 1…

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Kavanaugh’s confirmation shows zero regard for women

Statement of The Very Reverend Katherine H. Ragsdale, Interim President & CEO of the National Abortion Federation (NAF): Today’s vote to confirm President Trump’s anti-woman U.S. Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, confirms what we already know: The Trump administration and anti-abortion politicians have zero regard for the real-life experiences of women in America. We have…

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Today’s vote sent a clear message

Statement of The Very Reverend Katherine H. Ragsdale, Interim President & CEO of the National Abortion Federation (NAF): The Senate Judiciary Committee members who voted to advance Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation today sent a clear message to Americans: overruling Roe v. Wade trumps everything. But there is more at stake than just Roe. The Supreme Court…

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Kavanaugh must withdraw his nomination

Statement of The Very Reverend Katherine H. Ragsdale, Interim President & CEO of the National Abortion Federation (NAF): Given all we have learned about Brett Kavanaugh in recent weeks—including multiple sexual assault allegations and his dishonest testimony before Congress—we call for Judge Kavanaugh to withdraw his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. We have adamantly…

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