Ohio Voters Enshrine Abortion Rights in State Constitution

Contact: naf@berlinrosen.com

Today, Ohio voters decisively passed Issue 1, enshrining the right to abortion and the broader spectrum of reproductive health care into the state’s constitution. Advocates worked tirelessly to put this question on the ballot and mobilize support, and today Ohioans helped deliver a monumental victory for abortion rights. 

Statement from Brittany Fonteno, President & CEO of the National Abortion Federation:

Today, Ohioans affirmed that people have the fundamental right to make their own medical decisions about abortion care—free from government interference. This victory ensures not only that Ohioans have the legal right to this essential care without question, but that abortion patients across the Midwest living in states where abortion access is limited or banned can also more easily get the care they need. We applaud the efforts of abortion advocates and allies in Ohio who worked tirelessly to make this happen. NAF will continue to work alongside our members and advocates across the country to build off of this momentum and fight to achieve true reproductive freedom for people nationwide. 

As always, we remain committed to helping anyone, no matter who they are, how much money they have, or where they live, access abortion care. Anyone in any state can call the National Abortion Hotline at 1-800-772-9100 to understand their options and get the assistance they need, whether that’s help finding a provider, arranging travel to another state, or funding their care.

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