Red River Women’s Clinic Receives Standard of Excellence Award

Alissa Manzoeillo
202.667.5881, ext 219; 202.595.4395 (after hours/cell)


Red River Women’s Clinic Receives Standard of Excellence Award

This year, the National Abortion Federation (NAF) awarded the George R. Tiller “Attitude is Everything” Standard of Excellence Award to Red River Women’s Clinic—the sole abortion provider in North Dakota.

The Standard of Excellence Award was established in 2009 to honor the memory of NAF member Dr. George Tiller, a dedicated physician and abortion provider who was murdered by an anti-abortion extremist in Wichita, Kansas. This award is given each year to one NAF member facility that emulates Dr. Tiller’s excellent and compassionate patient care, positive attitude, and staff cohesiveness.

“The staff at Red River Women’s Clinic consistently goes above and beyond for their colleagues, their patients, and their community. They are not only a model of patient-centered abortion care, but stand out as strong advocates in a very active and hostile political environment,” said NAF President and CEO Vicki Saporta.

Being the sole abortion provider has made Red River a target for both anti-choice legislation, and harassment and protests from anti-abortion individuals and groups. “But no matter what legislation has been passed or litigation they are involved in, the clinic staff approaches each day with the attitude that the phone is still ringing, women still need care, and they just have to focus on helping women and not other problems they may be facing,” said Saporta.

The staff at Red River is committed to providing non-judgmental, respectful, compassionate abortion care, and to fighting stigma. Several years ago, a Red River employee started a program called “Plants for Patients.” This program offers patients plants with homemade ceramic pots made by one of the clinic staff, and a handwritten note from a supportive member of the Fargo community to take with them after their procedure has been completed. Today, about 70 percent of their patients take a plant home with them, and some patients say that it is an important part of their experience at the clinic.

“We are beyond thrilled and humbled to be recognized in this way,” said Tammi Kromenaker, Red River Women’s Clinic Director. “Dr. Tiller & his team set a very high standard to strive towards. To be recognized in the same category as Team Tiller is such an honor.”

Red River Women’s Clinic is a model of high-quality abortion care in this country. The clinic is a longstanding member of the Fargo community and has been a member of NAF since the clinic opened in 1998.

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 NAF is the professional association of abortion providers. Our members include private and non-profit clinics, Planned Parenthood affiliates, women’s health centers, physicians’ offices, and hospitals who together care for more than half the women who choose abortion in the U.S. and Canada each year. Our members also include public hospitals and both public and private clinics in Mexico City and private clinics in Colombia.

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