Sign the Petition to Repeal Hyde!

Make Your Voice Heard!

For nearly 35 years, women in the United States have had the right to obtain safe, legal abortion care. However, bans on public funding have severely restricted the ability of low-income women, who depend on the government for their health care, to obtain the care they need. Since 1977, the Hyde Amendment has prohibited federal Medicaid funding to be used for abortion care except in cases of rape, incest or life endangerment.

Under this restriction, even when an abortion is necessary to preserve a woman’s health, the procedure is not covered. As a result, a woman may delay her abortion while seeking funds to pay for care, or continue a pregnancy at risk to her own health. The Hyde Amendment is grossly unjust and the time has come to address this inequity in women’s health care.

Join over 60 groups in the Hyde – 30 Years is Enough! Campaign and call on Congress to repeal the Hyde Amendment and restore coverage of abortion care for low-income women. Sign our petition today!

Together, we can create a society in which all women have the resources necessary to obtain the health care they need.

>Learn more about the “Hyde – 30 Years is Enough! Campaign”
>Read the National Abortion Federation’s fact sheet about the Hyde Amendment.

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