Wednesday’s Words from Women

Over one-third of women of reproductive age have an abortion by the age of 45. However, women who have chosen abortion are often absent from the public debate. In order to break the silence surrounding abortion, we will be featuring real stories from real women each Wednesday on our blog. If you would like to share your story with us or have it published on our blog, go to

I got pregnant three years ago. Even though my boyfriend wanted me to continue with the pregnancy, I knew that I could not raise a child and still do everything that I wanted to do. I chose to have an abortion because I had too much planned and also because there was no way that I could afford to raise a child. I had no job and neither did he, and I didn’t want to make my mom support my mistake.

When I went in for the abortion, I was nervous and a little scared even though I knew it was the right choice. The procedure wasn’t scary, the people were really nice, and there was no pain. Although that guy left me, I now have a great boyfriend that I have been with for the last two years. If I had not had an abortion, I would have been tied down to my ex and I would have never been able to meet my current boyfriend, who I love. I probably wouldn’t still be in school either. If I had not had an abortion, I would not have the wonderful life that I have today.

–Submitted by Jemma through our website

I am 34 years old and disabled, and feel unable to care for a child. I have been trying to have my tubes tied since I was 25, but always receive the same condescending response, “oh no, we just cannot do that at your age, it would not be responsible. You will change your mind.”

Throughout the health care debate, I was both angered, yet relieved that I live in California where reproductive health care including my annual exams and birth control pills are covered by our Medicaid. However, I have been forced to switch to Medicare, “which cannot use federal funds for such luxuries,” and doesn’t cover abortion. I feel like I have been banging my head against a wall trying to find a way to get the health care that I need! I was even thinking about giving up my Medicare Plan B until I learned it would take two months for the plan to be terminated!

I want to thank NAF for helping me find a clinic that will help me obtain an abortion. I am not a heartless person–I just have never wanted any children. I suffer from severe anxiety and panic disorder and take medications. I believe it would be wrong to bring an unwanted child into this world especially not knowing what harmful effects my medications may inflict on it.

–Submitted by Kadyn through our website

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