Wednesday’s Words from Women

Over one-third of women of reproductive age have an abortion by the age of 45. However, women who have chosen abortion are often absent from the public debate. In order to break the silence surrounding abortion, we will be featuring real stories from real women each Wednesday on our blog. If you would like to share your story with us or have it published on our blog, go to

Just two years ago this April, I found out I was pregnant. I knew that abortion was the choice for me. I suffer from a seizure disorder and take daily medication that can cause severe birth defects. I am so grateful I have the right to choose. I know I want children of my own one day, however I need to change my medicine and be off the current one for six months before I can try to have children. I am grateful for the doctors and clinics who offer these services to patients. My clinic was amazing. Thank you for everything, and your work to keep women safe!

–Submitted by Skylar* through our website

My family is going through a hard time financially. Without the Hotline’s help, I don’t know what my options would have been. Going through this made me thankful that I have a family and people that care about me. This experience has changed my life; it has made me more independent and responsible, and taught me how to make not only good decisions but the best ones for me. Thank you.

–Submitted by Ramona* through a member clinic

Names have been changed to protect patient privacy

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