Wednesday’s Words from Women

Over one-third of women of reproductive age have an abortion by the age of 45. However, women who have chosen abortion are often absent from the public debate. In order to break the silence surrounding abortion, we will be featuring real stories from real women each Wednesday on our blog. If you would like to share your story with us or have it published on our blog, go to

I am currently separated from my spouse. He is not dependable right now, and has not been for the last year. I do not doubt my ability to love and support a child, but I do doubt my ability to financially provide. If it’s a struggle to pay for this service, how can I expect to provide basics? I cannot imagine the lifetime struggle I would have faced if this option were not here. I now can continue my life for the child I already have. I know I can support her, and I can look forward to a healthy, loving supportive relationship that may bless me again with a child.

–Submitted by Rae* through a member clinic

When I found out I was pregnant, I was very scared and I did not know what I was going to do. I knew that I wasn’t capable of taking care of a child at this time. Knowing that there are still caring people in the world who want to help you get through such a tough thing really means the world to me. Thank you for your kindness and understanding.

–Submitted by Kristina* through a member clinic

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