Abortion and Motherhood Series: Day Three

I discovered I was pregnant after losing my full-time job and I am having a difficult time finding another one. I have two children and I do not believe that I should have another child at this time. I am so grateful for the help when I needed it most. NAF was so supportive. Thank you!


I wasn’t going to have an abortion. However, I’ve been in the emergency room four times during my pregnancy. I was told that my cervix shifted and that my placenta was coming out. I was then told that I would have a miscarriage if I didn’t go on bed rest. I can only imagine what would have happened if I went on bed rest! Who would have taken care of my kids? How would the bills or my mortgage be paid? I’m grateful that I could get the help that I needed to end this pregnancy. Lord knows times are hard, everything is a blessing.


Over one-third of women of reproductive age have an abortion by the age of 45. However, women who have chosen abortion are often absent from the public debate. In order to break the silence surrounding abortion, we feature real stories from real women on our blog. If you would like to share your story with us or have it published on our blog, go to http://www.prochoice.org/pregnant/hotline/share.html.

*Name changed to protect patient privacy

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