NAF Featured as Expert Contributor

NAF has been featured as an expert contributor arguing: Should Abortion be Legal? on Opposing Views, a website dedicated to the debate of important social, health, and political issues. At Opposing Views, well-known organizations and opinion leaders engage in an online discussion so that viewers can see all sides of a topic. You can join…

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EEOC Protests Bush Administration Regulation

A last-minute Bush Administration “provider conscience” regulation is facing serious objections, including from the government agency responsible for enforcing job discrimination laws. Three top officials from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) are protesting the proposed regulation because they say it would overturn 40 years of civil rights law prohibiting employee discrimination based on religion.…

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Temporary Injunction Delays Oklahoma Ultrasound Law

A temporary injunction, issued October 29, has prevented Oklahoma ultrasound legislation from taking effect this month. In April, the Oklahoma legislature passed the country’s most restrictive ultrasound law, which requires women to undergo an ultrasound one hour prior to obtaining abortion care and listen to an explanation from the medical professional performing the ultrasound while…

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Obama Administration to Consider Lifting Global Gag Rule

Advisers to President-elect Barack Obama have authored a list of 200 Bush administration actions that could quickly be undone to promote change, a Washington Post article reports. Among the policies being considered for quick reversal is the Bush administration’s Global Gag Rule. Originally authored during the Reagan Administration, the Global Gag Rule prohibits international non-governmental…

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California Voters Reject Proposition 4

Parental notification laws like Proposition 4 endanger the health and safety of teens. Today, California voters once again rejected this type of dangerous barrier for teens attempting to access abortion care. While parents rightly want to be involved in the decisions of their teenage daughters, good family communication cannot be legislated. California already leads the…

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Colorado Voters Reject Amendment Defining a Fertilized Egg as a Person

Washington, DC—Today, Colorado voters rejected Amendment 48, which would have redefined “person” in the state constitution and granted constitutional rights from the moment of conception. “This amendment was nothing more than an attempt to outlaw all abortions in Colorado,” said Vicki Saporta, National Abortion Federation (NAF) President and CEO. The so-called “Definition of Person” Amendment…

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Column Profiles Women Obtaining Abortion Care

This weekend, the New York Times published an article, which addressed the myth that teens make up the majority of women seeking abortion care. The article explained that, due to recently publicized cases of teenagers continuing with pregnancies, the view of the typical woman obtaining an abortion has been misconstrued. According to the article and…

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Review Finds Global Trend Toward Liberalization of Abortion Laws

Since 1998, 16 countries have adopted more liberal abortion laws, a study published by the Guttmacher Institute reported. The report, released this week, examined changes in abortion laws between 1998 and 2007, and found that 16 countries increased the grounds on which abortions can be legally provided. An additional 10 countries maintained their current laws,…

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