Grand Jury Refuses to Indict Kansas Clinic

Yesterday, a grand jury refused to issue an indictment against a Kansas Planned Parenthood clinic concerning allegations of parental notice and informed consent violations. “We are once again vindicated, as we have been any time there is an objective review of these allegations,” said Peter Brownlie, president and chief executive officer of Planned Parenthood of…

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Virginia Senate Takes Action on Abortion Measures

The Education and Health Committee of the Virginia Senate rejected a handful of anti-choice measures today. Several of the bills were examples of Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers (TRAP) laws, which single out abortion providers for medically unnecessary, politically motivated regulations. Opponents said the bills would make abortions more expensive and less accessible. These defeats…

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Support Dr. Morgentaler

The Order of Canada, the highest civilian honour, was established to recognize outstanding lifetime achievement and service. Please sign this petition to the Advisory Council of the Order of Canada, which has repeatedly overlooked Dr. Morgentaler for this distinguished award. Take Action Now: About Dr. Morgentaler:Dr. Morgentaler, a survivor of the Holocaust, has made…

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National Abortion Federation Opposes C-484

Today we issued the following statement concerning proposed legislation in Canada: The National Abortion Federation (NAF) opposes C-484. On its face, this bill creates a new crime of causing injury to or the death of a foetus. The dangerous reality of the bill, however, is that it could elevate the legal status of the foetus…

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Massachusetts Attorney General Speaks out in Support of Buffer Zone Law

This week Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley spoke out in support of a recently passed law, which expanded the buffer zone around reproductive health care facilities to 35 feet. Coakley filed a brief in federal court responding to a lawsuit brought forth last month by anti-abortion protesters challenging the law. The “act does not ban…

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New Hampshire Senate Hears Counseling Bill

Yesterday the New Hampshire Senate heard a controversial counseling bill, which would require minors to receive pre-abortion counseling from a doctor, nurse, or licensed professional. The Concord Monitor initially supported the legislation, but published a staff editorial yesterday rejecting the bill. “The bill appears to be trying to solve a problem that does not exist.…

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Senate Questions Anti-Choice Judicial Nominee

Yesterday, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on anti-choice Richard Honaker’s nomination for a lifetime appointment as a federal district judge to the U.S. District Court for the District of Wyoming. Throughout his career, Richard Honaker has worked to undermine a woman’s right to access abortion care. While in the Wyoming Legislature, Honaker introduced…

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South Africa’s Parliament Approves Legislation to Increase Abortion Access

Today, South Africa’s Parliament passed a bill to increase abortion access. The proposed law would allow for increased hours at abortion facilities, remove the requirement of mandating pre-approval to obtain abortion care, and permit nurses to provide abortion services. The legislation will now be referred to President Thabo Mbeki to sign into law. >Learn more…

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New Mexico Legislature Recognizes the Work of Law Enforcement

Last week, the New Mexico House of Representatives passed a unanimous resolution commending federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies on their collaboration, investigation, and quick response in arresting two suspects in connection with arsons and vandalism at abortion and reproductive health clinics in Albuquerque in December 2007. An identical resolution has also been introduced…

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20 Years of Legal Abortion in Canada

Today I am featured as a guest blogger on RH Reality Check. View my post on the 20th Anniversary of the R v. Morgentaler decision and our recent symposium in Canada. >Learn more about abortion access in Canada.

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