NAF Denounces Misleading Anti-Abortion Ad Campaign in Canada

Yesterday we issued the following the release: National Abortion Federation Denounces Misleading Anti-Abortion Ad Campaign in CanadaSaporta: This is another example of an anti-abortion organization using misleading images and misinformation to advance their agenda of banning abortion.Toronto, ON – Today, the National Abortion Federation (NAF) condemned Life Canada’s national anti-abortion ad campaign. The image in…

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Today Marks 20 Years of Safe, Legal Abortion Care in Canada

Today we celebrate the 20th Anniversary of R v. Morgentaler, the Supreme Court decision that decriminalized abortion by striking down Canada’s abortion law as unconstitutional. Since then, Canada has become one of a small number of countries without a federal law restricting abortion. The Morgentaler decision has undoubtedly protected the health and saved the lives…

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Anti-Abortion Ads Removed in Canada

A Canadian anti-abortion group has launched a national ad campaign, which attempts to mislead the public about abortion care in Canada. The ads have been getting national media attention and in some cases have been removed due to their content. The cities of Fredericton, New Brunswick and Kelowna, British Columbia have refused to run these…

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Celebrating 35 Years of Safe, Legal Abortion Care

Today marks the 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion care in the United States. On this historic anniversary, it is important that we celebrate what we have achieved under the legacy of Roe while also assessing the challenges that lie ahead. Roe has undoubtedly saved the…

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Vogue Writer Shares Abortion Story

In this month’s Vogue, writer Lori Campbell shares her experience with a complicated pregnancy and her decision to obtain a second trimester abortion. In 1998, 22 weeks into a wanted pregnancy, Campbell was diagnosed with an incompetent cervix. Her water broke, and doctors told her she would likely go into labor within a week and…

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Police Protection Pledged to Striking Clinics in Spain

Government officials in Madrid have pledged to protect abortion providers from violence and harassment after approximately 40 clinics began a five-day strike on Tuesday. Soledad Mestre, a government delegate to Madrid, said local abortion clinics could solicit police protection against death threats or acts involving graffiti made by ultra-conservative or neo- Nazi groups. The clinics…

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NAF Security Measures Highlighted in NonProfit Times Piece

The NonProfit Times published a piece this week examining the security procedures implemented by nonprofit organizations in the wake of violent acts such as the December shootings at two Colorado churches. Since abortion was legalized in 1973, reproductive health care clinics and workers have unfortunately become the targets of violence and harassment by anti-abortion extremists.…

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