New Hampshire Repeals Parental Notification Law

New Hampshire Governor John Lynch signed legislation Friday repealing the state’s parental notification law. The law, which would have required doctors to notify parents at least 48 hours before a minor obtains an abortion, was passed in 2003, but never took effect due to legal challenges reaching all the way to the Supreme Court in…

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African Leaders Call for Legalized, Safe Abortion Care

This week leaders from ten African nations called for legislation to end unsafe abortion during a conference in Kenya, which addressed the application of international and regional human rights agreements to reduce the maternal mortality rate in Africa. According to Kenyan Vice-President Moody Awori, 100 women die daily from unsafe abortion in Africa, and of…

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National Abortion Federation Condemns the President’s Veto on Stem Cell Research

We issued the following release today: Washington, DC – The National Abortion Federation (NAF) condemns President Bush’s decision today to veto the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007, which would expand federal funding for promising medical research. This legislation passed both the House of Representatives and Senate with strong bi-partisan support, and was also…

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Clinics and Patient Challenge Georgia’s Refusal to Offer Medicaid Coverage for ‘Medically Necessary’ Abortions

The Georgia Supreme Court heard arguments Monday in a legal challenge brought against the state for its refusal to reimburse Medicaid recipients for abortion care when the procedure is needed to protect a woman’s health. Several abortion clinics in Georgia and an unnamed Medicaid recipient sued the state arguing that it was unconstitutional to exclude…

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Michigan’s Abortion Ban Ruled Unconstitutional

A federal appeals court ruled Monday that a Michigan statute, which banned certain abortion procedures, was unconstitutional. According to the court, the Legal Birth Definition Act was worded so broadly that in addition to banning intact dilation and extraction procedures, it would also prohibit other legal abortion methods. The law “showed no meaningful attempt to…

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Examining the Loneliness of the Abortion Patient

Over the weekend Alternet published an article about the sense of isolation many women feel when facing an unwanted pregnancy and the decision to obtain abortion care. Unlike women in the 1970s who felt “entitled” to have a safe, legal abortion, patients today are highly aware of the stigma surrounding their choice. The article goes…

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Dr. Henry Morgentaler Honoured by the National Abortion Federation

The National Abortion Federation (NAF) presented a special award to Dr. Henry Morgentaler during NAF’s Annual Meeting held last month in Boston. Canadian women owe Dr. Morgentaler a tremendous debt of gratitude for standing up for their lives and health at great personal sacrifice and risk. He is a legend, a hero, and a national…

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Kansas Governor Vetoes Proposal to Toughen Abortion Reporting Requirements

Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius vetoed legislation Monday calling for tougher reporting requirements for abortion providers. The proposal would have required doctors to report to the state specific reasons why they provided abortions to women with viable fetuses. Under current Kansas law, abortion of a viable fetus is legal after the 21st week of pregnancy to…

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