Nicaragua Moves Forward With an Abortion Ban

The Nicaragua’s National Assembly on Thursday voted to outlaw all abortions. If signed into law by President Enrique Bolanos, the measure would eliminate the exception to Nicaragua’s abortion ban that permits an abortion if three doctors certify that a woman’s life or health is at risk.

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The Federal Abortion Ban at the Supreme Court

The United States Supreme Court will hear arguments on November 8, 2006, in Gonzales v. Carhart and Gonzales v. Planned Parenthood about the constitutionality of the federal abortion ban, passed by Congress and signed by the President in 2003. The sweeping ban prohibits abortions as early as 13 weeks in pregnancy, abortions that doctors say…

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Portugal Sets Referendum to Legalize Abortions

Portugal’s parliament has agreed to call a national referendum to legalize abortion care up to the 10th week of pregnancy. Currently Portugal has one of the most restrictive abortion laws in Europe, with the procedure only allowed in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy in cases of rape, fetal malformation, or if a mother’s health…

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New York Court Upholds Women’s Health and Wellness Act

The Court of Appeals, the highest court in New York state, has upheld the Women’s Health and Wellness Act, a law requiring employers that provide prescription drug benefits to include contraceptive coverage. The Women’s Health and Wellness Act, which went into effect January 1, 2003 in New York, additionally requires insurance plans to cover preventative…

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Nicaragua Considers Complete Ban on Abortions

Currently, Nicaragua allows doctors the ability to provide abortions in situations where a woman’s life is endangered by continuing a pregnancy. But Nicaragua’s Parliament is now considering revising the penal code to extend the ban on abortions to include cases where a woman’s life is at risk. If this proposal becomes law, doctors that provide…

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South Dakota: Fight the Abortion Ban!

Earlier this year, the South Dakota legislature voted to deny women safe and legal access to essential reproductive health care services. House Bill 1215, which was signed by Governor Rounds in March, would prohibit abortion at all stages of pregnancy, with only a limited exception if necessary to save the life of the woman. The…

Read More Encourages Readers to Donate to NAF’s Abortion Hotline Fund

Following Carole Joffe’s powerful article on AlterNet on how “Abortion Hotlines Feel the Crunch,” has spotlighted the article and posted an article, “When it Comes to Abortion, Women Literally Can’t Afford to Wait”. They encourage their readers to make a donation to the NAF Hotline Fund to assist low income women pay for their…

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Oregon: Oppose Measure 43!

Oregon voters will also be asked to consider a parental notification ballot initiative this November. The Oregon proposal would require 48-hour written notice to a parent before a teen between the ages of 15-17 has an abortion. Oregon law already requires teens who are 14 or under to obtain parental consent for any medical treatment.…

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