Anti-Choice Protests Anger Michigan Residents

Missionaries to the Preborn, an anti-choice group based in Milwaukee, angered residents of Muskegon by displaying large graphic photos. Yesterday, about 65 adult and children protestors handed out brochures to uncomfortable passers-by. Many residents called in complaints to the local police station. This was one of the many stops on the group’s 12 day Great…

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The FDA May Soon Decide to Make Plan B Available Over-the-Counter

Yesterday, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that they will discuss making Plan B available without a prescription to women at least 18 years of age or older. Plan B can prevent pregnancy if taken within 72 hours after unprotected sex. The announcement came one day before Acting FDA Commissioner Andrew C. von Eschenbach’s…

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Anti-Abortion Group Protests in Halifax

An anti-abortion group, Show the Truth, who protested in New Brunswick in recent weeks, continued their anti-abortion campaign in Halifax. The group displayed large pictures of aborted fetuses at a busy intersection. Pro-choice and anti-choice Halifax residents have expressed their disgust with the group’s tactics. >Read The Chronicle Herald article

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NAF Condemns Passage of the Teen Endangerment Act

NAF condemned the U.S. Senate’s 65-34 passage of the Child Custody Protection Act (CCPA), more aptly called the Teen Endangerment Act. The Teen Endangerment Act would make it a federal crime for a person other than a parent to help a minor from certain states obtain an abortion in another state if the minor has…

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Abortion Restriction Placed on Oregon’s November Ballot

Sixteen years after Oregon voters became the first in the nation to turn down a law mandating that parents be notified if their teenage daughter sought an abortion, the issue will be placed on the state’s November ballot. If the measure passes, parents of teens 15-17 must be given 48-hour written notice before their teen…

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Anti-Choice Group Displays Graphic Photos in Baltimore

On Thursday, June 20, Defend Life, a Baltimore-based anti-choice group, displayed graphic images of aborted fetuses on one of the city’s busiest intersections. Despite negative reactions from motorists and passers-by, the group defended their use of the offensive images. View the Examiner article

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Man Pleads Guilty To Clinic Harassment

Wednesday, July 19, William Owens-Holst pleaded guilty to breaking into the Emma Goldman Clinic and assaulting an employee, in Iowa City on May 16, 2006. A sentencing hearing has yet to be set. >Read the Associated Press article

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NAF Condemns the President’s Veto of the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act

NAF condemned yesterday’s decision to veto the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act by President Bush. The legislation, which passed both the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate with strong bi-partisan support, would have expanded federal funding for promising medical research. NAF supports embryonic stem cell research and we applaud Congress’s passage of this bill.…

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