South Dakota and Roe

South Dakota lawmakers will soon vote on a bill that could outlaw almost all abortions in the state. The bill contains an extremely narrow exception for the life of the woman, but women who were impregnated through rape or incest would be forced to carry their pregnancies to term. If the bill passes, South Dakota…

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Speculating on the New Supreme Court and Abortion

Today, the New York Times has an in-depth article examining the changes on the Supreme Court and how they could affect the Court’s ruling on the Federal Abortion Ban (FAB). Next term the Court will rule on a case filed by the Center for Reproductive Rights, which challenged the constitutionality of the ban. There are…

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Supreme Court will Consider Federal Abortion Ban

The Associated Press is reporting that the Supreme Court will examine the constitutionality of the Federal Abortion Ban. The court will consider the ban’s lack of protections for women’s health as well as its broad language. The ban has already been struck down in the three circuit courts to hear the case.

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Alito Starts on Monday

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito was confirmed two weeks ago, but next week he begins his new job. Today’s Associated Press has an article examining Alito’s transition from nominee to associate justice. One of the cases which may come before the Court is our case challenging the Federal Abortion Ban. Congress passed this dangerous piece…

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Mifepristone in Australia and TRAP in Indiana

Australia moved one step closer to approving mifepristone today, as the Australian parliament, after a long and emotional debate, voted to remove the Australian Health Minister’s power to veto the drug. Mifepristone may be available for use in Australia in the coming months. The Indiana based Lafayette Journal and Courier denounced the state’s proposed TRAP…

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Parking–a new way to stop CPCs?

Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPCs) have been deceiving women who seek reproductive health care for years. CPCs masquerade as legitimate health clinics to lure women in their doors. Once inside, they give women misinformation to dissuade them from having an abortion. Despite their deceptive tactics, many Crisis Pregnancy Centers receive federal funding and are difficult, if…

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More Cuts to International Family Planning?

Today’s New York Times reports that President Bush is planning to further cut international family planning programs by 18%. If these cuts go through, the world’s poorest women would have even less access to the reproductive health care services they desperately need. Read the entire article.

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The Battle Over Mifepristone in Australia

Australia is engaged in a heated debate over mifepristone. The Australian House of Representatives is looking at a bill approving mifepristone, although according to this article it looks like the debate has already gotten out of control.

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The Current Pro-Choice Debate

E. J. Dionne’s column in today’s Washington Post explores the current pro-choice and anti-choice debate. It’s an interesting article and Dionne notes President Bush’s political posturing on abortion. Read the entire column.

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Biased Counseling Legislation in Indiana

I was quoted in Sunday’s Washington Post about a proposed Indiana biased counseling law. Among other things, the law would require doctors to tell women seeking abortions that life begins at conception. I criticized the political motivations behind these laws, which give women biased information to dissuade them from having abortions. Read the entire article.

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