We need a Supreme Court justice who will honor established precedent

Statement of Melissa Fowler, Senior Director, Communications & Membership at the National Abortion Federation (NAF) on President Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS: President Trump promised to put forth a nominee who would oppose Roe v. Wade, and Judge Brett Kavanaugh has passed this litmus test. Kavanaugh has been approved by ultraconservative and anti-abortion…

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Iowa Supreme Court strikes down 72-hour waiting period

Statement of Melissa Fowler, Senior Director, Communications & Membership at the National Abortion Federation (NAF): Today, the Iowa Supreme Court ruled that a 72-hour waiting period for abortion care violates the state’s Constitution. This waiting period would have only added to the many existing barriers that women in Iowa already face when they try to…

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SCOTUS allows fake women’s health centers to continue deceptive practices

Statement of Melissa Fowler, Senior Director of Communications & Membership, following the Supreme Court’s ruling in NIFLA v Becerra: “Today, the Supreme Court decided by one vote to allow fake women’s health centers to continue their deceptive practices that harm women and their families. Fake women’s health centers have a long history of using deception…

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NAF is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment

Statement of Vicki Saporta, President and CEO of the National Abortion Federation (NAF): As a mission-driven organization dedicated to justice, NAF is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment in which all individuals are treated with dignity and respect. We have a longstanding policy prohibiting sexual and other illegal harassment, and all employees are…

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Ireland’s Historic Eighth Amendment Vote

Statement of Vicki Saporta, President and CEO of the National Abortion Federation (NAF) on Ireland’s Eighth Amendment Referendum Vote: The repeal of the Eighth Amendment is long overdue and very good news for women in Ireland. Women should have access to safe, legal abortion care, without having to leave the country. Today’s repeal is an…

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Trump-Pence Administration Announce Title X Gag Rule

Last night, the Trump-Pence administration announced changes to the Title X program that amount to a domestic gag rule. “This rule is another attempt by the Trump-Pence Administration to deny women access to reproductive health care,” said Vicki Saporta, President and CEO of the National Abortion Federation (NAF). “It is unconscionable to force medical professionals…

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Convicted Anti-Abortion Criminal Released After 30 Years in Prison

Rachelle “Shelley” Shannon, an anti-abortion criminal convicted of clinic blockades, arsons, butyric acid attacks, aggravated assault with a gun, and the attempted murder of Dr. George Tiller has been released after nearly 30 years in prison. “Her release is very concerning,” said Vicki Saporta, President and CEO of the National Abortion Federation (NAF). “This is…

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Escalation in picketing, trespassing, obstruction, clinic blockades, invasions, and threats of harm by anti-abortion extremists

[fusion_text]Today, the National Abortion Federation (NAF) released its 2017 statistics on violence and disruption against abortion providers. With anti-abortion extremists feeling emboldened by the current political environment, NAF members reported an escalation of hostility and targeted activity in 2017. Trespassing more than tripled, death threats/threats of harm nearly doubled, and incidents of obstruction rose from…

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Governor Reynolds has completely disregarded the U.S. Constitution

Statement of Vicki Saporta, President and CEO of the National Abortion Federation (NAF), on Governor Reynold’s signing Iowa’s 6-week abortion ban into law: “In signing Iowa’s new six-week abortion ban, Governor Reynolds has completely disregarded the U.S. Constitution. Anti-choice politicians have once again demonstrated that they would rather advance their extreme social agenda than ensure…

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Women everywhere have lost a fierce champion.

Statement of Vicki Saporta, President and CEO of the National Abortion Federation, on the passing of Representative Louise Slaughter: “Women everywhere have lost a fierce champion. As the co-chair and founding member of the Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus, Representative Slaughter tirelessly worked to ensure that women have access to comprehensive reproductive health care, including abortion care.…

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