What we’re Thankful for here at NAF…

This holiday season, we wanted to share some of the things that we are thankful for here at NAF:

We’re thankful for our amazing and compassionate NAF Members who provide high-quality, patient-centered abortion care.
Our members are on the front lines working to ensure that access to safe, high-quality, patient-centered abortion care is still a reality. From the staff working the front desks in NAF member facilities, to the security guards, to the counselors, to the medical support staff, to the clinicians, and everyone else involved, we’re thankful to have such amazing members. Many of our members do this work in hostile environments and have to overcome many barriers. We’re so thankful and proud to have such dedicated providers as NAF members!

We’re thankful for our donors.
Our work would not be possible without the generous support of our donors. This support from foundation funders and individual donors is essential to our ability to help our members stay safe and keep their clinics open, and to help women access the abortion care they need. We’re so thankful for this continued support.

We’re thankful for our partners.
We know we are not alone. There are so many groups and individuals at the local, national, and international levels doing great work in our field and we are thankful for these important partners! Don’t make us choose a favorite partner, because we are thankful for each and every one.

We’re thankful for the clinic escorts.
Anti-abortion groups would like you to think that they are merely engaging in quiet ‘counseling’ outside of facilities that provide abortion care. But aggressive threats and intimidation, stalking patients from their cars to the door, and verbally and physically assaulting them is not counseling. According to a September 2013 survey of NAF members, 92% of responding facilities reported that they are concerned about the safety of their patients in the areas approaching the facility. That’s why we’re so thankful for clinic escorts whose smiling faces and physical presence help patients and staff walk the gauntlet of anti-abortion protesters outside facilities across the country.

We’re thankful for the NAF Hotline Staff.
The NAF Hotline was established in 1979 to help women access unbiased information, enabling them to make the choices that are right for them. Since then, NAF Hotline staff have helped thousands of women each month with confidential, non-judgmental support and referrals to quality abortion care providers in their area, as well as with limited financial assistance.

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