Editorial Supports Massachusetts Buffer Zone

The Boston Globe ran an editorial in support of proposed state legislation that would create a fixed 35-foot buffer zone around reproductive health care clinic entrances. The bill would also eliminate the vague consent language present in the current law, which creates a “floating” zone of 6 feet, within a larger radius of 18 feet,…

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Sign the Petition to Repeal Hyde!

Make Your Voice Heard! For nearly 35 years, women in the United States have had the right to obtain safe, legal abortion care. However, bans on public funding have severely restricted the ability of low-income women, who depend on the government for their health care, to obtain the care they need. Since 1977, the Hyde…

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Virginia City Council Passes Resolution to Target Abortion Provider

On Tuesday, the Manassas, Va., City Council passed a resolution that would create a committee to study what regulations and guidelines abortion clinics in the city operate under and to determine if stricter guidelines are needed. The resolution’s author incorrectly claims there are no health and safety requirements for the city’s one abortion provider, NAF…

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Massachusetts Senate Passes Expanded Buffer Zone Bill

The Massachusetts Senate passed a bill yesterday which would establish a 35-foot no-protest zone around reproductive health care clinics beginning where clinic property ends. Currently, the state has an 18-foot buffer zone, but anti-abortion protesters continue to harass and intimidate patients. In some cases, protesters have even dressed as police officers and deceived patients. NAF…

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Protect Title X’s Family Planning Programs!

Tell Secretary of Health and Human Services Michael Leavitt that family planning must remain a priority! President Bush has just appointed Dr. Susan Orr as the Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Population Affairs (DASPA) in the Department of Health and Human Services. DASPA oversees Title X, the nation’s family planning program, which provides high-quality family…

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Senate Defeats Attack on Family Planning Services

Last night, the U.S. Senate rejected an anti-choice amendment by Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) to the 2008 Labor-HHS-Education appropriations bill (H.R. 3043). The measure would have restricted federal funding for clinics providing vital health services if they also use their own, private funds to provide abortion care.

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The Impact of Nicaragua’s Abortion Ban

Nicaragua’s abortion ban has had a devastating impact on women’s lives and health. In November 2006, the Nicaraguan government eliminated the exception that permitted an abortion if three doctors certified that a woman’s life or health was at risk. A new report by Human Rights Watch (HRW), “Over Their Dead Bodies,” documents how the ban…

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National Abortion Federation Denounces the Appointment of Dr. Orr to Oversee Federal Family Planning Funds

NAF issued this press release today: The National Abortion Federation (NAF) denounces the appointment of Dr. Susan Orr as the Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Population Affairs (DASPA). DASPA oversees Title X, the nation’s family planning program, which provides high-quality family planning and preventive health care services to over five million low-income individuals annually. This…

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Abortion Rate Declines Worldwide, But Illegal and Unsafe Abortions Remain a Problem

A new report shows the abortion rate declined more in developed countries, where abortion is generally safe and legal, than in developing countries, where the procedure is largely illegal and unsafe, according to “Induced Abortion: Rates and Trends Worldwide,” a new report released by the Guttmacher Institute and the World Health Organization (WHO) published in…

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Abortion Waiting Times Increase Across Canada

The Edmonton Sun published an article today detailing how women in Alberta are facing wait times of up to three weeks when seeking abortion care. This wait time can be attributed to the province’s growing population, a shortage of staff and facilities, and a lack of political will to make abortion more accessible. Delaying abortion…

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