U.S. House of Representatives passes harmful abortion funding ban

Statement of Vicki Saporta, President and CEO of the National Abortion Federation (NAF), on the passage of H.R. 7, the so-called “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act”: Just days after millions of people marched nationwide in support of women’s access to safe, legal abortion care, anti-choice politicians are trying to…

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This draconian policy has been devastating

Statement by Vicki Saporta, President and CEO of the National Abortion Federation (NAF), on President Trump’s Executive Order reinstating the Global Gag Rule: President Trump’s decision to reinstate the Global Gag Rule will endanger already vulnerable women by further curtailing their access to accurate information and safe reproductive health care services. Originally authored during the…

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The Attorney General must lead with impartiality.

Statement of Vicki Saporta, President and CEO of the National Abortion Federation (NAF), on the confirmation hearing of Jeff Sessions for U.S. Attorney General: NAF strongly opposes the confirmation of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General of the United States. Sessions has a long record of opposing protections for abortion providers and we have serious concerns…

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The Attorney General must lead with impartiality. #StopSessions

Testimony of Vicki Saporta, President and CEO National Abortion Federation Submitted to the Judiciary Committee United States Senate Hearing on the Nomination of Jeff Sessions to be the Attorney General of the United States January 10, 2017   I would like to thank Chairman Grassley and Members of the Committee for allowing me the opportunity…

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I have received threats against my life #StopSessions

Written Testimony of Julie A. Burkhart, a NAF member Trust Women Foundation Founder and CEO for a Hearing on Attorney General Nomination Submitted to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee January 10, 2017 My name is Julie A. Burkhart, and I am the Founder and CEO of Trust  Women Foundation, which operates reproductive health care clinics…

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We need someone who will enforce the law.

President-Elect Trump’s decision to nominate Senator Jeff Sessions for Attorney General cannot go unchallenged. Senator Sessions has consistently opposed reproductive health, rights, and justice, voting 86 times against our issues during his 20 years in the Senate. Tell your Senators to stop Sessions! Senator Sessions has been endorsed by the extremist anti-abortion group Operation Rescue.…

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No Evidence of Wrongdoing By Abortion Providers

Today, the Democratic Members of the Select Investigative Panel, which has been investigating abortion providers for the last 15 months, issued a 112-page report affirming that their investigation has found no evidence of wrongdoing by abortion providers, researchers, or companies involved in fetal tissue donation and research. “It’s no surprise that just like 17 other…

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Saporta: The Select Panel should be disbanded

Statement by Vicki Saporta, President and CEO of the National Abortion Federation (NAF), on the passing of H.R. 933 funding for the Select Panel:   “The Select Panel should be disbanded, not given more taxpayer money to waste on a political witch hunt that is based on false and bogus information.” ### The National Abortion…

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Remembering Attorney General Reno

As we mourn her loss, NAF member Carole Joffe shares her memory of former Attorney General Janet Reno: In more than 25 years of attending NAF annual meetings, one of the most powerful (and wonderful) memories I have is of Janet Reno addressing NAF members at the 1999 meeting in Atlanta. After she spoke eloquently…

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NAF mourns the death of former Attorney General Janet Reno

Vicki Saporta, President and CEO of the National Abortion Federation, on the passing of former Attorney General Janet Reno and her legacy addressing anti-abortion violence: NAF and our members mourn the death of former Attorney General Janet Reno, a woman of great integrity who understood the impact of appropriate law enforcement response to anti-abortion violence.…

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