NAF Member Dr. Henry Morgentaler Receives Order of Canada

Today, NAF member Dr. Henry Morgentaler received the Order of Canada at a ceremony in Quebec City. We are extremely proud of Dr. Morgentaler and congratulate him on this great honor. Dr. Morgentaler exemplifies the ideals and principles of the Order of Canada with his lifetime commitment to women’s reproductive freedom. In advance of today’s…

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Column Tells of Woman’s Experience with Abortion

This week, the Boston Phoenix ran a column from a woman describing her abortion experience. Although she is one of the 40 percent of American women who have had abortions by the time they’re 45 years old, she discusses why her story is one that is rarely told: When pundits and politicians debate abortion, they…

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Report Documents 30-Year Abortion Trends

A new report released today documents 30-year abortion trends and provides in-depth analysis of the demographics of women who obtained abortion care between 1974 and 2004. The findings were gathered from data collected by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and by periodic surveys of abortion providers conducted by the Guttmacher Institute. According…

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NAF Blog Named in 100 Best Health Care Policy Blogs

Last week, our blog was recognized as one of the 100 best health care policy blogs by RN Central, an online resource for nurses and nursing students. The list is organized into 15 categories of health care policy, including international health care, health insurance and coverage, pediatrics, and public health. The NAF blog was included…

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City Dismisses Complaint Against Illinois Clinic

Last week, the Aurora, IL Building Code Board of Appeals dismissed a complaint filed by anti-abortion groups against NAF member Planned Parenthood Aurora Health Center. The complaint asserted that multiple zoning and building codes were violated during the construction of the clinic and also challenged the final certificate of occupancy issued July 1. Prior to…

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Australian Abortion Law Passes First Vote

After debating into the early hours this morning, MPs in the Australian state of Victoria voted 47 to 35 in favor of a bill to decriminalize abortion. There will be further debate and amendments moved tonight and tomorrow, before a final vote by the Lower House to determine whether the bill is passed and sent…

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